Storytelling Trends Every Marketer Should Know in 2021


Storytelling has been going on for centuries, and it's still used today to engage people.  In an era when ads are being ignored, storytelling in marketing is the new trend.

People today value narratives more than ever before. But, achieving recognition in an era of shorter attention spans is tough. However, engaging stories make brands more trustworthy to consumers. 

In fact, Innova Market Insights has ranked storytelling as the No. 1 trend for 2020. Even now, marketers believe the primary goal of advertising is to sell a product. 

But that’s not true. Now, more than ever, customer engagement is becoming very important to close a deal. 

A recent study suggests companies can boost their brands' value by over 20 times by telling a good story. And to achieve this, companies need to become master storytellers. Storytelling has become one of the major aspects of digital marketing

Marketing with storytelling involves different methods to promote products in a positive light. And by now you might be wondering how to do that. Don’t worry, we got you covered.  Here are the ultimate storytelling trends in 2021 that marketers should follow:


Customer-led Storytelling

Customer-led storytelling is turning customer’s brand experiences into marketing assets. 

It is one of the most proven ways to impact your audience. This form of storytelling in marketing combines emotional and logical elements. 

And if brand storytelling allows consumers to see themselves in the story. You’ll hit the jackpot! Because your customers are the best advertisement you can find for your business. 

Once you solve a problem for them, they tell their friends and family about it. Which will help you tell their stories, build trust, and helps grow your audience. 

So, if you can get customers talking about you and telling stories, more sales will come your way. Thus, start by telling everyone about your customers instead of your company. 

Highlight their opinions, ideas, and dreams. And finally, figure out ways to build your brand around their experiences. Here are some ideas on how to gather customer stories worth telling:

  • Give them an exciting topic to cover.
  • Provide them with a platform for telling stories.
  • Communicate with customers to gain insights.
  • Research with your team members.
  • Send out an open call for story submissions.
  • Encourage your customers to contact.
  • Be on the lookout for stories.
  • Share their stories wherever you can.


Founder’s Story

The founder’s story illustrates a brand’s origins. And It describes the obstacles it faced, and how the brand launched a product or service.


In today's era, customers expect transparency. They are curious about a company's ethos, how it treats employees, and how it performs business. So, a founder’s storytelling involves being clear, concise, and honest. It gives meaning to what your brand is about and gives your products a greater purpose. 

And when your listeners trust your story, they'll become loyal to your brand as well. And if it inspires people, they will support the business through purchasing.  But be careful of whether your brand needs a founder's story or not. And if having a founder's story will help your business gain momentum, then go right ahead and include it. But while developing a founder’s story, consider the following:

  • Draft your story.
  • Make it personal, highlight your struggles.
  • Aim to form a deeper connection with the listener. 
  • Help them visualize the benefits of your product.
  • Address the specific problems and give solutions.


Data-driven Storytelling

Data analysis combined with storytelling in marketing may seem contradictory at first. But in reality, they complement one another.

Data insights support brand narratives, and stories help to interpret results more easily. By utilizing each technique, your campaigns will prove more engaging for customers. And with data-driven stories, brands can now grab attention and provide detailed solutions. The reason is that our brains are hard-wired to respond better to stories than to facts.

Data helps you create engaging content and tell a story that resonates. Companies can use data rather than words to make compelling content as well. While writing a data-driven story, keep these in mind:

  • Use data-driven stories. 
  • Address key pain points of the audience.
  • Ensure your data story does not jump off track.
  • The data should support your story.
  • Highlight the human side of the business through storytelling.
  • Use appropriate data visualization methods.


Short Advertisements

Nowadays, people don’t have enough time to wait and watch traditional advertisements. With consumers' attention spans getting shorter and shorter. Marketers need to grab attention fast. 

According to One Story, around 92% of consumers want brands to make their ads feel like a story. Introducing 6-second ads. Ads like these tell more than a brand's story. But also contribute to engaging the audience.

But do keep in mind, that not everything will appeal to your niche. So, choose wisely and encourage your staff to make informed decisions. When making short advertisements, remember these:

  • Put your brand in the spotlight.
  • Use a catchy soundtrack.
  • Consider your ad mobile-first.


Adopt Dark Social

Dark social is an emerging phenomenon and something marketers will have to learn to use. 

It's content that's shared via e-mail, SMS, or one of many instant messaging apps. Hootsuite says that this makes it harder for marketers to pinpoint social patterns. 

But nowadays, globally, 70% of referrals are sourced from dark social. Thus, marketers should devise new approaches to figure out how people share content. 

Dark social gives marketers a lot of leverage. And if implemented, can open a path to new demographics as well. Here’s a list of tips to consider while using dark social: 

  • Use shorter, memorable URLs.
  • Include sharing buttons on your website.
  • Use dark social tools to gain insights.
  • Create original, creative and consistent content.
  • Make appropriate adjustments to your social media strategy.



In 2021, these are the current storytelling in marketing trends dominating the market. And with so many platforms to share away. Now more than ever is the time to share your company’s story. So, go out there, craft incredible stories. Try to blend them with the trends above and watch your traffic soar. 


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