The Secret to Successful Marketing for Artists | Digital Marketing for Artists


Marketing is a form of art, as we all know, but art too needs marketing. Making art is great, but you’ve got to sell it too, right? And being an artist means marketing your work as much as possible.  This is why Marketing for Artists is not an option, but a necessity. 

Important Tips: Marketing for Artists

From building an amazing website to implementing good social media practices. Here’s how you can market your art in a better way. A big part of today’s marketing goes online. And that is why exploring the endless benefits Digital Marketing Services is very important for the artists. 


Create an Awesome Bio

If you haven’t already, then start by creating an awesome bio to introduce yourself to the world. An art marketer needs one, right? This will be the first step in Marketing for Artists. The bio should define how you create art and be a cornerstone of your brand identity as an artist. And do make sure to include interesting content on yourself and your practice. Since it is certain to boost your clientele.


Market Research

That’s right, research is crucial, even for artists. One of the reasons why many artists fail to achieve success is that they have no grasp of what the market wants. Discover what’s on offer, or better yet, what sells. Go to a gallery and if you look, you’ll notice tons of pictures that don’t sell. Ignore those. Ask the owner which products sell best and why? Then you will have a good idea of who your potential customers are.

Remember to Blog

Writing a blog for your online portfolio is a great way of Marketing for Artists. Unique content will help increase search rankings as well. Try writing about things that other artists will find helpful. Or perhaps you can start by advising beginners about art as well. It might even open the door to a new career path you never considered.


Form Networks

If you want to sell only original artwork, you need to find good and reputable galleries. As the value of art is in how it is perceived by the viewer. A private gallery, for example, gets you a much higher price than a street-side art exhibition. So try to get the best spot to hang your paintings. Get in touch with gallery owners and show them your art. Due to their experience with a variety of artists, they can tell you exactly how likely it is to sell. Just remember that you cannot please everyone. Thus, be open to criticism. However, getting into the galleries requires some recommendations. Thus, we recommend you reach out to other artists and gallery owners to make your life easier.


Open An Online Store

But you can’t make a living just selling at galleries, right? Hence, make sure to launch an online shop for artists as well. This way, your visitors will be able to buy your artwork very easily. We recommend using a social media platform to start the store. Also, by making sales directly to clients, you can avoid transaction fees too.


Enter Competitions

Entering relevant competitions is a great initiative in Marketing for Artists. Setting up shop and taking advantage of galleries is fine and dandy. But what about reputation? Well, take part in competitions. This will help promote your art significantly. And if you succeed, it will definitely enhance your reputation as well as draw more attention to your work.

Find Grants

Speaking of reputation, many organizations are willing to promote artwork from emerging artists. An artist grant can help you gain attention and build a reputation as well. It will also result in media exposure, as grantors usually like to share their work. So keep an eye out for ones that fit your work, and begin writing a killer grant application.


Social Media Marketing Strategy 

Of course Social Media plays a great role in the Marketing for Artists. Social media allows you to easily connect with your visitors. Plus, it’ll help you get that grant more easily. Besides, an SMM strategy allows you to gain leverage as an artist. Currently, social media has a global penetration rate of 49%. Thus, creating an effective social media strategy is very important. Otherwise, you will lose valuable customers. So, Google up strategies to help you create a powerful blueprint for your artwork. You can also take help from professionals.  

Post Frequently

Creating fresh content for your social media is important. We even have a blog dedicated to this on our site. Posting frequently keeps followers engaged and allows you to attract new ones. As you develop a habit of practicing this, you’ll notice an increase in your art as well as your engagement. 

But Remember, Captions Are Important

Make sure everything you display is accompanied by a Title and a Written Explanation. People love stories, and it’s critical in marketing art as well. Stories help people connect with a subject on a deeper level. It will also enable them to make informed purchasing decisions. They’ll then tell the stories of their friends, who could become a potential customer too.

Finally, Invest a Bit, Maybe?

Don’t assume you must spend a lot of money on advertisements. Start small. Maybe, boost one of your most popular posts? You can start with a small budget for your advertisement and expand it as needed. However, you must make sure to invest a bit in advertising. Because if you do, it’ll be a gamechanger for you.


Selling art skillfully can help you earn an impressive reputation. So, once you start doing it right, you can accomplish anything. All of these methods are sure to enhance your reputation and lead to new opportunities as well. Therefore, make sure to follow it and market your art properly. Lastly, be true to yourself and paint something you are passionate about.


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The article was originally published in The Secret to Successful Marketing for Artists | Digital marketing for Artists (


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