6 Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Online Business


Social media marketing has become a crucial tool for many businesses. And with over 3 billion people on social media, why wouldn’t it be? You need important social media marketing tips to develop your strategy.

Currently, social media marketing is vital to increasing traffic, engagement, and sales.

Social media helps to connect with people who already love your brand. And also serves as a gateway to reach those who've never heard of your business.

As of now, the global penetration rate of social media is 49%. To illustrate, it means one in four people use social media. 

Thus, developing an effective social media strategy is crucial. Otherwise, you will lose valuable customers.

But, if you utilize and leverage the social media platform, your sales will soar to the skies.

In this article, we’ll provide you with some amazing social media marketing tips that will help you do just that: 



  1. Plan Ahead

An action plan is necessary if you want to kickstart your social media strategy. Because if you don’t know what you want, how are you supposed to do it, right?

In fact, without a proper plan, it is impossible to evaluate or evolve your strategies over time.

For starters, develop a social media strategy that supports certain business goals.

You can use these tips to make your initial plan: 

  • Establish SMART Goals: 

Create specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely social media goals to achieve. For example, aim to publish X number of content within a specific period.

  • Research Competitors: 

Competitive analysis can help you find out what works and what doesn’t for your business. Hence, observe and learn from your competitors. 

  • Conduct a Social Media Audit: 

A social media audit helps you identify your current efforts and ways to improve them. It will help you to find the errors. 

First, you need to understand the recommended practices of social media. Read this article to learn more: Major Social Media Mistakes To Avoid

First, finish fixing the issues. Then you can work further on market research and strategies.


  1. Know Your Audience

A social media target audience is someone you want to market to. It can be based on age, income, education, and others. And it will likely include people who are interested in your product.

How can you better understand your audience?

  • Conduct surveys to get an idea of their wants and needs. 
  • Analyze their demographics
  • Use Quora and Reddit to learn about them. 
  • Always respond to comments on social media.
  • Collect feedback 

Once you figure out the target audience. It’s time for the next step.


  1. Pick Suitable Social Media Channel

First, research and plan your social media presence so that it aligns with your goals. Secondly, select an appropriate target audience. And finally, focus on platforms that are most acceptable by your targeted demographic.

Statistics show that marketers who spend 6 hours per week using social media get more leads. 

Thus, finding a proper social media channel is the key to increasing your search rankings. You can ask yourself these question:

  • Can I achieve my marketing goals using this platform? 

Identify a social media channel that will make it easier for you to achieve your marketing goals.

  • Is my target audience active here? 

Then determine where your targeted audience is most active. You can use tools like Google Analytics and Statista to gather statistics of web users.

Please read the full article: 6 Social Media Marketing Tips for Your Online Business – Brand Storytelling in Marketing (powerofstorytellinginmarketing.com)


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