
Showing posts from February, 2021

Why Storytelling is the Future of Marketing | How to do Brand Storytelling

  Since the dawn of time, storytelling has served as a way to pass on knowledge. From legends of Achilles to the battles of Napoleon, tales were passed down from one age to another.  But nowadays,  storytelling has become a marketing tool  adapted to the digital era. It allows businesses to connect more deeply with customers.  According to Headstream statistics, if people like a brand story, 55% are more likely to buy the product. Furthermore, 44% will spread it, while 15% will purchase it right away. Storytelling is exactly what helps to accomplish this. It allows businesses to form bonds with their potential customers very easily. Additionally, it explains to consumers how a product will improve their lives. And also influences them to make the buying decision.   Why Storytelling is Needed in Marketing? The purpose of storytelling is not to make a profit, but to forge connections with customers. It allows companies to  engage audiences in an interactive manner .   As the founder of t

How to Do Enterprise SEO | 6 Tips and Tricks That Actually Works

  Search Engine optimisation   is the process of optimizing a website or webpage to obtain more organic traffic from a search engine’s results.  However, with advancements in algorithms and machine learning, SEO has become harder to master. But you can do it with these advanced enterprise SEO strategies.  What is Enterprise SEO Enterprise SEO is nothing but the approved SEO work on a larger level. If you are a general user, you might have a website with 20 to 100 pages on average. Doing SEO for these website will need the usual efforts. But there are certain organizations which will have websites with more than thousand pages. Especially, ecommerce and websites of large international companies falls in to this category. In these cases, SEO becomes a lot more complex. Because most pages will be linked to a lot of pages. Any small edit will result in to a huge change. This is why we apply a special method which is known as Enterprise SEO.   Enterprise seo softwares Enterprise SEO involve

7 Reasons Why Storytelling Is Crucial In Content Marketing in Melbourne

Storytelling is one of, if not THE most important component in content marketing. Why, you ask?  Because, it's is one of the easiest ways to make boring blog posts into engaging, memorable content. It also helps in leaving a lasting impact on the hearts of the audience. Content writing  is about conveying information to your target consumers.  Different ways of Content Writing  Lifebuoy helped reduce child mortality by changing the handwashing behavior in India. Or you could turn it into a narrative: In Thesgora, India, infant mortality rates were very low. And most children died by the age of five, from diseases like diarrhea and pneumonia. In 2013, Lifebuoy launched a campaign to cut preventable deaths. They launched a campaign to change the handwashing behaviors, one village at a time. Thesgora was chosen for the pilot project as it had one of the highest diarrhea rates in India. Early results from the campaign indicated a significant improvement in community health. So, tell me

How to do SEO for Non-Profit Organisations – A Quick Guide

  SEO is crucial for every organisation that aims to gain popularity in search engines. That includes non profits too. This is why SEO for Non-Profit Organisations is such an important topic. As  non-profits  cannot rely on paid advertisements or traditional marketing campaigns. SEO is a cost-effective method to attract website traffic.  Particularly with COVID-19 and the new normal, online presence has skyrocketed.  So, with a good ranking in SEO, your organization will definitely reach the next level. Although, SEO requires a lot of work. It is less expensive than other forms of marketing. How Does SEO Work? SEO stands for  Search Engine Optimisation . It is a set of methods and techniques used for improving your website ranking in google SERP or search engine result page. This helps search engines to easily track, index, and rank a website. SEO increases visitors to a website through optimisation of various keywords. Because, the higher a site ranks in search results, the higher the