10 major Social Media Marketing Mistakes and How to fix them


Social Media Marketing is the roaring buzz today. 3.5 billion people around the world are actively using one or more social media, which makes 48% of the world population.

Every other business owner is trying to earn their chunk from the vast open ended opportunity hidden in the reputable social media platforms.

While Social Media Marketing has brought huge success to many, there are others who are struggling at this. Due to some reasons their social presence is not striking, users are not engaging with the contents. Or they are not getting enough followers in the first place.

What are their social media marketing problems? 

Today we will discuss some of these problems which are hampering the efforts of thousands of business owners from getting engaged with their potential customers. 

We will talk about the main social media mistakes that entrepreneurs do and they need to stop it immediately.

Social media is a platform open for all to get in touch with potential customers. If you are not doing the right things, someone else will do it and take your customers away, it is as simple as that.


Common Social Media Marketing Mistakes to avoid in  Facebook

First we need to talk about the pioneer and giant of all social media, Facebook. Currently 2.7 billion people are monthly users of Facebook. So you can easily guess its endless potentiality.

Though more people are using facebook correctly these days, still there are many things that are missing. Especially after the vigorous update of facebook’s appearance in 2020, many users are found managing the facebook pages comparatively more complex than before due to its new interface. 

Social Media Mistakes in Facebook page management

1 . Comments and the Replies

Anyone can read the comments on a facebook post and make comments too. In many cases companies ignore to reply to the facebook comments made by customers. It becomes way worse when a negative comment is left alone or deleted even.

The ideal practice will be to address all the comments, whether they are bad or good. In case of a good comment, a warm thank you will be a great way to respond. However in the cases where there is a negative comment, utmost care must be taken. 

You must reply to the comment publicly in the first place. You might contact him via facebook messages or other methods for further reason. But a public reply must be made so other users do not get the chance to develop the mindset that this company is careless about complaints.


2 .  Is it the right audience?

Regardless of your marketing efforts being paid or organic, you must be careful about the audience that you are targeting. Who are your audiences and what are they looking for usually? Also get information about your followers regarding things like their average age, sex etc.

If you own a lingerie shop and most of your business page followers are men, it’s less likely that you will get engagement in your posts. So you need to fix this before developing your marketing strategy. The products you are promoting must match the taste & usability of the followers. Think again and ask yourself, most likely, who will buy your products?


3 . The right Marketing Strategy vs Post types

You need to find the right marketing strategy, Its a well known fact that without strategy, much of the efforts will fail. But at the same time you need to adjust your content and posts along with your strategy. The post types, your strategy and the audience, all must be aligned with one another.

For example, some business owners will post and do marketing with videos and podcasts, some with images and others will combine both. You need to find out which one is most appropriate and effective for your business type. 

Not all businesses are suitable for the same content type.That means, all strategy may not work for you as well. That is why we always advise you to develop a customised social media marketing strategy that is specially adaptabel with your business type.

Not using stories is one of the common social media mistakes done by business owners. Stories brings a lot of impressions. It also gets engagement from relevant followers. In many cases, organic posts fails to reach the followers due to many reason. This is why Facebook story can be another great way to reach followers with lucrative offers.

Bonus Tip

Always be extra careful in fulfilling all the necessary fields of your Facebook business page. Add website, email, address and phone number correctly. Also add proper written briefs about your business in the description section. Add a privacy policy link to the relevant field as some people are always extra careful about privacy policies. 

Mistakes to avoid in Instagram

1 . Buying followers

It is one of the popular and  serious mistakes that is done by most business owners. In most cases the followers are from fake or irrelevant accounts. Sometimes bot services are also available to generate comments.and reactions. All of these practices are highly avoidable.

A big community will not ensure any success unless it is relevant. It might initially look something attractive but deep down it doesn’t carry much weight at all.

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