
Showing posts from December, 2020

How to Use the Power of Storytelling in Marketing

  Why is Storytelling Important? People buy from people they know, like, and trust and building the ‘know, like, trust' elements is an art form that requires much more than a few emails and social media posts. You need to reach people at an emotional level to connect with them and develop the types of relationships that lead to sales. When you use stories in your marketing content, you can achieve all 3 of those elements in a far shorter space of time than any other marketing tactic can match. You Will Learn How To: ✔️ Identify the different types of stories and how they are used, including company stories, personal stories, and customer stories. ✔️ Identify which types of stories connect best with your target market . ✔️ Apply the most enduring story formats to your marketing. ✔️ Outline the key elements that make a story effective regardless of the type of story or format that you choose. ✔️ Choose the best media to use for your story to make it engaging for your target market. ✔

How SEO can help you grow your business

  How SEO Can Help Your Business Grow Search Engine Optimisation is an essential tool in the small business toolkit. When done well, it offers a cost-effective boost to your marketing efforts that brings a whole host of benefits. Here are four of the most impactful. In this article we will explore some of the  benefits of SEO  that will elevate your business online. 1. SEO can increase organic search traffic to your site Search Engine Optimisation is the science of structuring your website and its content so that Google’s (or any other search engines) bots value it more highly than other sites, and serve it up higher in the search results. Each page is assigned an SEO score. The higher the page’s score, the better it ranks within search results. Of course, when your page ranks more highly, more people are likely to see and click on it, bringing more traffic to your site. This becomes a virtuous cycle after a while, with more traffic causing your page to rank even more highly. 2. SEO ca

How colors are used in Social Media

There is more to colour than a brand’s identity. No matter what industry you take a look at, the same colours are used time and time again. Incorporating certain colours can induce a specific emotion or reaction. It has become a standard practice in web design to entice people visiting websites and social media platforms to learn about a brand or a product. And it is highly relevant with the  Digital Marketing  strategy the company will adopt in future. A lot of  web designers in Melbourne  rely on Color Theory to help their clients stand out from their competitors. Paid advertisements on social media are becoming more creative and colourful. Brands that associate colours in their ads have been proven to garner more audience than those who don’t. That’s why these companies seek help from web designers like us; to make the most out of their paid advertisements on social media and websites. If you’re an owner of a company that wants to establish a name or build a reputation, we have comp

10 major Social Media Marketing Mistakes and How to fix them

  Social Media Marketing is the roaring buzz today. 3.5 billion people around the world are actively using one or more social media, which makes 48% of the world population. Every other business owner is trying to earn their chunk from the vast open ended opportunity hidden in the reputable social media platforms. While  Social Media Marketing  has brought huge success to many, there are others who are struggling at this. Due to some reasons their social presence is not striking, users are not engaging with the contents. Or they are not getting enough followers in the first place. What are their social media marketing problems?  Today we will discuss some of these problems which are hampering the efforts of thousands of business owners from getting engaged with their potential customers.  We will talk about the main social media mistakes that entrepreneurs do and they need to stop it immediately. Social media is a platform open for all to get in touch with potential customers. If you a