
Showing posts from June, 2021

Why Brand Storytelling is Crucial to Your Marketing Strategy

More or less all of us have heard about the word Brand Storytelling. What is all about it? Thousands of brands around the world looking for attention. It’s getting more difficult for newer or lesser-known companies to stand out. Yes, you could always ride the waves of  trending topics. Nothing wrong with posting an usual video that gets thousands of views, offering discounts that creates those spilkes in sales. Doing these things can work to catch people’s interest — at least until something new comes along. However, when establishing yourself as a brand, you want to be more than just a passing fancy. You need to catch your audience’s attention, hold it and keep them engaged. The best way to do this? Brand storytelling.   WHAT IS BRAND STORYTELLING?     Brand storytelling refers to the process of shaping a company or brand’s identity by using the power of  narration  or storytelling techniques.  Companies utilise brand storytelling to connect and engage with their customers. They do th

How to Use Facebook Shops: A Beginner’s Guide

  Since the past year, COVID has been plaguing the world and shutting down many companies. This weighed heavily on small businesses too. And they now need to move to another platform. The best way to achieve this is to use online platforms to reach customers. Here comes  SEO services  &  Digital Marketing  as powerful methods to make your online presence stronger. Moreover,  social media marketing  is one of your most powerful marketing strategies today. Facebook Shops  is one of the latest social commerce tools introduced by Facebook. It enables small businesses to target large markets. In addition to helping small businesses generate revenue, Facebook Shops is free, making it a great way to leverage the power of social media. In this article, we will help you set up your Facebook Shop and understand how they work.   How Do Facebook Shops Work? FACEBOOK SHOPS   Facebook Shops are as the name implies, virtual shops. And it can effortlessly be created directly through your Facebook

How Artificial Intelligence Is Shaping Modern Marketing

  The Terminator made quite an impression on me. Its bioengineered characters and the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) left me speechless. Fast forward to 2021, machines are now performing tasks previously done by humans. All right! We still haven’t gotten to the point where we have crazy robots like the Terminator. But innovations did come a long way. Especially in the AI sector. And with it, the usages of AI in marketing evolved as well.  What is AI?  Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the replication of human intelligence by machines. They are taught to mimic human actions and think like them. It can also apply to any machine that exhibits intelligence or problem-solving skills. When was AI-first introduced? A summer workshop at Dartmouth in Hanover, New Hampshire, led to the birth of AI. Marvin Minsky, Nathaniel Rochester, Claude Shannon, and John McCarthy proposed a workshop. It focused on figuring out ways to make machines think like humans. They also came up with the term