
Showing posts from January, 2021

Why Brand Storytelling is Crucial to Your Marketing Strategy

  More or less all of us have heard about the word Brand Storytelling. What is all about it? Thousands of brands around the world looking for attention. It’s getting more difficult for newer or lesser-known companies to stand out. Yes, you could always ride the waves of  trending topics. Nothing wrong with posting an usual video that gets thousands of views, offering discounts that creates those spilkes in sales. Doing these things can work to catch people’s interest — at least until something new comes along. However, when establishing yourself as a brand, you want to be more than just a passing fancy. You need to catch your audience’s attention, hold it and keep them engaged. The best way to do this? Brand storytelling. WHAT IS BRAND STORYTELLING? Companies utilise brand storytelling to connect and engage with their customers. They do this by developing a narrative or story to create a lasting impact on their audience. Brand storytelling refers to the process of shaping a company or

Local SEO – Complete How to Guide and Tips You Need

  Local SEO is not a new word for small business owners, at least it should not be if you are conscious about boosting your business and ranking higher in Google and other search engines.  ” How to get higher rank in Google ?” – is a question that has always been puzzling to the business owners. Today we will discuss one of the important answers to this question. That is Local SEO. Local SEO helps you to make your business more familiar with the search engine(s). Therefore it will help you to drive more customers to your business who are actively searching for it. Besides organic search and paid advertising, local seo is also a great influential factor.   What is Local SEO all about? In a word, local seo involves all the procedures that helps you to rank higher for relevant local searches. For example, check out these search results of – ‘pizza near me’, or ‘’pizza in melbourne’’. Its an easy way to search your desired product. Searching with this type of queries are getting more popul

Easy Ecommerce SEO Strategy to Rank High in Google

  If you have an ecommerce business and are wondering why you’re not really seeing a lot of growth. Maybe there is something wrong and you are missing the benefits of ecommerce SEO! Today in this article we will show you the easy strategy for  seo for the ecommerce industry . We will provide the top tasks to start effective ecommerce SEO that you need to grow your business. We tried to keep it real simple this time. And its a great way to start with! What is ecommerce SEO? Are you are thinking of a long term, sustainable business? The advertisement is not the answer. You need a perfect standing in a favorable place of the search engine, and that is free of cost. But at the same time it drives tons of organic traffic to your website. Ecommerce SEO is the art of driving more organic traffic to your ecommerce website from search engines. If you have more traffic, it means that more people are browsing through your website. This can also lead to more conversions that will favourably impact

9 Reasons You Need SEO Service in 2021 | Best SEO Service in Melbourne

  Marketing trends come and go, but if your organisation hopes to grow its digital presence, you must make sure you are getting the best SEO service along with other aspects. The flashiest website and coolest posts on social will not mean a thing if time is not spent optimising with the right keywords with  Search Engine Optimization .  Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) increases your brand’s online searchability and visibility. It no longer is an option for organisations that wish to engage existing customers whilst expanding their following. With  3.5 billion online searches  happening every day on Google alone, businesses hardly can afford to get lost in the crowd. Conducting an  SEO audit  is one of the best ways to ensure your organisation is ranking well. Here are the top nine reasons why boosting your SEO is the smartest investment your brand can make.   1. Organic search draws most website traffic Sure, your brand can pay to boost its performance on search engines and social med